How to Prevent Your Drains from Overflowing

When it comes to drain nightmares, overflowing can be at the top of the list. From the electric damage it may cause, to the unhygienic mess it can create, drain overflowing will likely necessitate immediate attention. The best solution to overflowing drains is to call in the professionals. However, there are things you can do to substantially lower your chances of experiencing this in the future. The following resource will take you through the causes of drain overflowing, as well as the daily and occasional steps you should consider to avoid blocked drains.

Drain Overflowing Is Caused By Blocked Drains  

If your drains are outdoors, fallen leaves, debris from the environments and even tree roots can wind down your pipes and essentially block the proper flow of water into and out of your home. Indoor drains are often blocked by common household items, such as paper towels and even sanitary pads, which are not designed to be disposed of through a toilet.

Another common cause of blocked drains is food residue or grease being poured down sink pipes. Oil will congeal with time, particularly in colder temperatures, and they will make rock-like formations that can block and even deform your pipes. Sometimes, this can lead to the drain's water level rising to the point of overflowing.

Generally, overflowing will be noticeable. Some weather conditions like snow or rain can make it challenging to notice an outside drain overflow. However, you'll want to watch out for some telling signs like foul-smelling water and leaking roofs and walls.

How to Prevent Your Drain From Overflowing

The best way to prevent drain overflowing is to eradicate habits such as washing dishes without wiping food grease and residue off, flushing wet wipes or paper towels down the toilet, leaving fallen wet hair at the opening of the shower drain, allowing dead leaves to accumulate over your drain, etc. You will want to set up a maintenance routine that involves regularly sweeping your garden and cleaning the hairs out of the shower drain.

You will also want to avoid the overuse of toilet paper and the flushing of face wipes and tampons. Preventing drain overflowing is about changing the culture of flushing foreign objects down the toilet in your home. If you have a family, you will need to train them to consider the health of your pipes in their daily self-maintenance activities.

Drain overflowing is a nightmare; however, it is both easily fixable and preventable. Naturally, waiting until a problem occurs is likely to result in damage to your property, so get ahead of blocked drain troubles. 
